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Residential glass replacement and window repair


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  • Residential glass replacement and window repair

    Now that the cold weather is just around the corner it is time to start thinking what you can do to save some money on your utilities and lower that energy bill. One solution would be residential glass replacement, but if you can't afford new windows right now you should at least go for window repair and winterization. This way you will improve the energy efficiency of your existing windows. Remember that windows and doors are the major source of heat-loss in most homes.

    If you do decide to go with residential glass replacement here are some tips to help you choose the ones that best fit your home. First of all, do some research to find the best company in your area that specializes in window repair and residential glass replacement and ask for references. This way you know you're getting the quality you're paying for, the installer is properly insured and you are also getting a guarantee. Also, new windows increase the home's value and if you ever decide to sell your house, they will provide one of the highest return on investment .

    Even though working with a company that has ample qualifications might cost you some extra money, think about the benefits their experience brings: you'll have windows with a better technology and you won't have to replace them for a long time and an enhanced interior. Examine various window types and ask your retailer what advantages and disadvantages they bring, so you can take the best decision.

    Sometimes it can be difficult to say if you need new windows so here are some signs that tell you need window repair or residential glass replacement. If you see condensation on your windows on a cold day, this could be a sign of worn insulation. Also, if you want to check them for air infiltrations you should hold a candle near the window frames. If it flickers then it needs to be fixed. Don't worry this is not expensive, you just need some weather stripping and caulk. Residential glass replacement and window repair