These are some super handy tricks I came across that you can do with a Bounce sheet! (Yes, the thing you use to keep your laundry fresh and soft while drying).

1. Chase away ants when you lay a sheet near them. It will also keep mice away.

2. Take the odor out of books and photo albums that do not get opened often.

3. Repel mosquitoes. Keep a Bounce sheet with you while outdoors during mosquito season. Golfers also use Bounce sheets to keep bees away.

4. Eliminate static from your TV or computer screen and blinds. Bounce sheets also helps keep dust away.

5. Dissolve soap scum from shower doors.

6. Place a sheet of Bounce in a drawer or closet to freshen the air in your home.

7. Put a Bounce sheet in your vacuum cleaner for a fresh scent while vacuuming.

8. Run a threaded needle through a Bounce sheet before sewing to keep thread from tangling.

9. Freshen your empty suitcase and camping tent while in storage with a Bounce sheet.

10. To freshen your car, put a Bounce sheet under the front seat.

11. Put a sheet in a pan, full with water, let sit over night, and sponge baked-on foods from cooking pans.

12. Place a sheet at the bottom of trash cans to prevent odors.

13. Rub a Bounce sheet across an area to collect cat hair.

14. Wipe up sawdust from drilling or sand papering.

15. Eliminate odors from dirty laundry. Place a sheet in the bottom of your laundry basket.

16. Place a sheet in your shoes overnight to deodorize.

17. Wet a Bounce sheet, hose down your car, and wipe love bugs off easily.
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