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Computer speed


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  • Computer speed

    A couple different questions.
    1. What are the different types of memory (ram) on a computer? How do they effect performance and speed.
    2. I have a toshiba laptop and 10 + yr old HP desktop. They both have Norton virus programs that update, scan daily to find and repair issues. I also have seperate malware, virus program that I run monthly as a back up. I know registry errors can slow the performance. I have a ccleaner program from CNET (free download) with registry error program to repair some of these issues. As always the speed is not as good as when new. Would it be better to purchase a more comprehensive registry program?
    I also find the signal speed from internet supplier varies. Which obviously creates problems.
    Toshiba satellite LT has 2gig ram, 250gig HD.
    I appreciate your suggestions,

  • #2
    Over time parts just get old and will slow down. A ten year old computer just is not going to get much faster. The ram is only used on short tasks, such as photoshop, watching videos, and etc. Ultimatly you can try de-fragmenting your hard-drive, or clean out programs you do not use anymore. Adding more ram or a new hard-drive is not going to speed it up. You could also try backing up all of your files and reinstalling the operating system, which will format your hard drive. How old is your Toshiba? Again older computers just slow down like any machine and laptops see a lot more wear and tear. It is most likely not viruses or malware slowing you down.


    • #3
      Toshiba laptop

      Thanks I know my 10 yr old desk top is a dinosaur. The Toshiba is only about 6 months old with 2gb ram and 250gb hard drive.
      I appreciate the help,


      • #4
        hopefully de-fragmentation will get you a little bit more speed out of the computer. I hope it helps!


        • #5
          Unless they have changed drastically in the last few years, Norton anti virus is a resource hog. I installed it on a Win 95 machine years ago and it cut the speed almost in half. Then I went through the arduous task of getting rid of it.

          Having more than one anti virus program running at the same time is also a no no.

          Your internet speed may vary because of other users in your area fighting for your bandwidth. It is shared on Cable. I'm not sure about Fiber.


          • #6
            My HP desktop has win 98 so I can understand the issue there. But my laptop has Windows 7 and 2 gig of ram. The Norton is from our internet supplier and the other virus/malware programs are only run manually by me. I believe you are right about the bandwith because there are times when videos buffer quite frequently and other times their fine. I have a friend that bought his laptop at the same time we purchased ours and he is having the same issues.


            • #7
              If you have the Norton disc, I would uninstall it and see what difference you see. I'll bet it will be significant. The worst that can happen is that you have to re-install it. If it turns out to be a hog (as I suspect) go get a free version of Avast.


              • #8
                avast from the adwil corp is a great free program and they offer daily or weekly heuristic upgrades to their virus definitions. why pay for a virus remover or detector when a good or great program is free?


                • #9
                  I've used Avast and it's not so great. I had a lot of intrusions with Avast and it does not upgrade often enough. Norton is through my Internet supplier and it has been great. Sure there are issues from time to time but overall it has been very good. No anti-virus program is perfect though.


                  • #10
                    I have Avast running on 6 different computers daily and haven't had a virus in a long time. I do stay off the porn sites though. Don't matter what your running if you go there.


                    • #11
                      Its better to change with the time. If you are using the Norton then it also help to slow down your PC. Its better to change it and go for Avast. Its better, I will suggest you to change your system because most of the new application are based on new systems.


                      • #12
                        You should try malwarebytes, it's the best I have seen.


                        • #13
                          Remember that every PC should be re-installed from scratch about every year. You have O.S. decay and since Windows sadly still uses a registry system with zombie entries after applications are deleted, you're going to notice a huge difference on identical hardware between a machine that has been freshly reloaded with Windows XP / Vista / 7 and one that just was defragged.

                          Always reload your machines every year. Backup your data and break out those recovery CD's.


                          • #14
                            Generally the more ram you get the faster your computer will be, there are certain sizes and speeds of ram also. For example DDR3 would not fit into a DDR2 slot.


                            • #15
                              Computer speed

                              a lot of speed is taken up with programs that don't need to be start>run and type msconfig into the on the start up tab on the window that opens..and uncheck programs that don't need to be running all the time ...don't worry if you uncheck something you need ..all you do is go back and check it again

