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PASLODE Cordless nailer - tacker


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  • PASLODE Cordless nailer - tacker

    I repair portable tools both corded and cordless and pneumatic tools. I recently acquired a paslode brad nailer - took it apart and am trying to figure out how the fuel charge gets to the operating cylinder. there is no tubing or fuel channel. On the top section where the fan is there is a plastic hole and an angled hole that looks like the fuel goes into the chamber when the cylinder is pushed back against the cap. I found the spark plug in the fan assembly - but I am stumped how the fuel charge gets to the cylinder?

  • #2
    Ya got me, I just use mine , never pulled it apart and never hope to have to face that day. Great tool though !!
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      only thing I can see is that the fuel cell has a metered valve and the back part of the handle and outside [ actually inside] of the plastic housing going up to the top where the fan is. the benzene/propane mixture is admitted via this angled hole into the top part of the fan into the combustion chamber. with the innards pushed up, two steel rings seal off the chamber. pressing the trigger discharges a 10,000 volt spark in the chamber and ignites the charge pushing the piston down and so - driving the fastener. a small amount of the exploded charge leaks in up underneath the piston and drives the piston back up. when you release the nailer the chamber opens up and the fan turns on and exhausts the fumes out of the gun. that's the whirring sound you hear when the fastener drive is finished.
      the fan operates off the six volt battery. the six volt battery also powers the ignition transformer which produces 10,000 volts.

