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Voices coming from my computer


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  • Voices coming from my computer

    Is it just me; or do others get annoyed when they bring up this Forum and voices start oozing from their speakers? Voices trying to sell me things I have absolutely no interest in at all.

    Most Forums appreciate their regulars; the ones who answer questions asked by DIYers. The ones who keep the Forums up and running. I have a Forum, I have absolutely no advertising on it whatsoever. And I wouldn't expect my regulars to put up with video's playing every time they visited. Maybe the new comers don't mind it so much, but I do. Am I the only one?

  • #2

    at the beginning this forum had ads which would automagically start playing when you just looked at the postings. to stop this you must log in to the forum and the voices will stop.


    • #3
      and to think all this money I've wasted on therapists, they kept telling me they were in my head, I kept saying then why are they trying to sell me stuff ?
      Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
      Every day is a learning day.


      • #4
        I didn't realize that being logged in stopped the ads. I have always had trouble logging into this Forum for some reason. I use Lastpass and for some reason this Forum doesn't trigger Lastpass to log in for me. But your right, if logged in, the voices are now only in my head.


        • #5

          let me know the name of your therapist. he could do wonders for me AND my wife. she's always mumbling to herself!


          • #6
            Sorry, too late for that... he was committed last week.

