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Cripple below riser


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  • Cripple below riser

    We are selling our home. The inspector wants up to "Add cripple below riser at basement stairs". Can anyone tell me what this means? I am not familiar with the terminology but I'm guessing it is support at the middle of the stair? Any help or diagrams would be helpful. Thank you in advance for your help.

  • #2

    a cripple is a piece of wood meant to stiffen up a wall like the short lengths above a door or window lintel between the two jack studs. a cripple for a stairway stringer is a bottom support to keep the stairway from bending down when weight is placed on it.


    • #3
      There is no such word (cripple) used in conjunction with stairs or steps. A "cripple" is a short stud that usually stops short of a full length by a window opening (for example). A riser on stairs is the piece of wood that is vertical at the back of the step tread, there is no way or reason to attach a cripple to this. I'm assuming that by mentioning only the bottom step the H.I might be referring to movement of the whole stairs ?... do you notice any movement of the stairs, or do you notice spongy steps/treads ?
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