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Termites! OH NO!!


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  • Termites! OH NO!!

    I just purchased a home with extensive termite damage all the way around the bottom of the house, it reaches up into the walls as well. People are telling me that it will get very costly.

    Has anyone had any termite experiences they could share with me? Does anyone know what options I have? Thanks.

  • #2
    Well, here is an update on the termites for all of you readers...

    The entire sil plate was eaten to shreds, so we jacked up the house and replaced two sides of the plate. Also replaced/reinforced some of the vertical supports. Put up new osb and tacked the siding back up.

    A lot of people told me that termite damage is very common in our area and to just deal with it.[B)]
    So, that is what I tried to do!

    I feel that the repairs we made greatly helped strengthen the framework of the home. I will update you if anything new arises on this issue.


    • #3

      Hi Gummi Girl! We also have the same problem with those nasty nasties. We bought a house last year with a termite inspection as mandatory by law. According to the previous owners, the termite people came out and said, "Yep, ya got termites" and then there was nothing done about it. I tried to get ahold of this company that did nothing and nobody could remember who they were. GREAT!!! Fast forwward....we have bait traps out that has poison in it that controls the colonies. It is not working because we now have three large areas on our south wall where they have been munching away to their hearts content! they LOVE our drywall!!! this has only happened in the past two weeks. I have not sent my check into renew the contract. an appliance that has gone kaput when the warranty expires, so goes the termites.... anyway, i don't have good vibes about i don't think those traps are helping. The little dickens have come back like gang busters![V]

      Anyway, glad to hear you got things under control. I hope it wasn't too expensive to repair.


      • #4
        We had the same problem. These nasty insects almost destroyed the house that we purchased. They didn't tell us what we were buying. We were scammed in a way or another. However, we manage to solve the problem by calling a termite extermination company and doing all the necessary repairing around the house. But more information would be appreciated because were are still working on it..


        • #5
          Termite problem can be solved with sodium is very effective. It is a very good insect control, also against ants, silverfish, coakroaches etc.

