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removing tile from kitchen backsplash


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  • removing tile from kitchen backsplash

    I'm trying to remove 4 inch tiles from the kitchen backsplash area and they are not coming off very nicely. Anyone know which tool would give the best results? Also, while removing the few that we did, we took a ton of the drywall along with it, large holes were left. Can we use joint compound to fill them in? thanks.

  • #2

    There is no special tool that I know of. Putty knife, claw of a hammer, thin prybar... You just have to slowly work along and remove the tile along with any adhesive. When you are done you will be left with what looks like quite a mess but it is patchable. I would recommend using a product like 'Sheetrock 90' or 'Durabond 90' first. These come in small boxes or larger bags and you have to mix it with water. The two big advantages are that it 'cures' in approx. 90 minutes and it does not shrink and crack when you use it to fill large holes. The disadvantages are that you have to mix it yourself and that it is much harder to sand (be sure to underfill). If you use featherlight drywall compound only it could take a day or two for the big holes to dry.

    So after you use the '90' product, let it set then go over it with the ready mix featherlight drywall compound. Again, even though the ready mix is easy to sand it is much better to put several thin coats on and not overfill so you have hardly any sanding.

    BTW be sure to use clean cool water to mix with the Durabond. If you use warm or hot water it will set up before you are done mixing it.

    Good luck, Jim

    'Just a handyman trying to help'
    'Just a handyman trying to help'


    • #3
      You are my idol. We bought durabond 90, followed your directions and in a short 90 minutes it was as hard as a rock, even harder, if thats possible. You saved us hours of drying time and we feel so much more confident using that product. One hole was so large that the wall moved when pressed. Durabond fixed that also. Thanks for your advice.



      • #4

        Congratulations! It is great to get a positive follow-up and to hear that everything worked out.


        'Just a handyman trying to help'
        'Just a handyman trying to help'

