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Caulking to a tiled wall


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  • Caulking to a tiled wall

    My wife owns a restaurant and has a display case that weighs about 5 pounds or a little more. This case must hang on a tiled wall but I hate to drill holes into the tile because this will be the second time I've had to move it leaving holes in the tile. I tried using some 2-inch wide velcro strips but the tape eventually pulled away from the wall.

    After caulking a bathroom sink, I thought about the fact that silicone caulk sticks pretty good to tile. I was wondering how stupid of me it would be to caulk the velcro, or the case itself, onto the wall?

  • #2
    It seems to me that this may be a good application for a 3m command adhesive product. Command adhesives stick to just about everything, including glass, and are still removable when you want them to be. They work because they are stretched into place, and then shrink as you mount them. They make a variety of command adhesive products. I think that a 3m command adhesive picture hanger (or a 3m sawtooth picture hanger) may be the best for your application. Just a thought. I included a link to the products below.

    Yes caulk is sticky when it's on it's own, but not that sticky when it's carrying 5 lbs of weight on a lever (display case) constantly pulling down on the caulk. I wouldn't trust caulk to hold the case over an extended period of time.


    • #3
      Like I said, this is a 5-pound box so I don't think those would hold.

      I remember a great adhesive from the hardware store that can glue metal to concrete and holds great. I'm going to try that assuming the glue can work on tile.


      • #4
        3M advertises that their hooks will hold! Take a look at their site before you decide. Write them and ask their opinion, if they still maintain that their hooks will hold the load, go for it! If they don't, plan for a lawsuit!

