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cat urine or spraying


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  • cat urine or spraying

    we have a 16 year old cat and have found that he may have urinated or sprayed in our dining room in the last week. The smell is very pungent. We have a good Bissell carpet steam cleaner and I ran that yesterday in the entire livingroom and dining room. In the area I suspect where it is (no visual signs of anything) I used the hand attachments and cleaned along the baseboards in the suspected area.
    Fortunately we have doors to close off the area but this morning I went in and the smell is still there. I will wash down the walls and furniture today. I just find it strange that I can see no stains or anything indicating that anything is there. Any suggestions as to how one detects where the odour is coming from and also if you have any hints as to what I can put along the edges of the carpeting to keep the cat away (cayenne pepper?)

  • #2
    Cat odor...

    Usually the 'pungent' part is not as intense if the cats are spayed or neutered. After 16 years, that's not an option. find where it's it, use a black light at night. It will display where the urine is at as well as other protein type fluids. To rid that area, use Odor-Ban. I believe it's available at Home Depot. Spray it on liberally and let it do it's work. To keep the cat from doing it again? I don't think that's possible.


    • #3
      thanks, he is neutered, but still a horny devil...... lol


      • #4
        You might try Fabreeze also.
        It helped when one got into my truck and took a leak. I don't park my truck with it's windows down anymore.


        • #5
          I have a black light so tonight I shall do some investigation in the room and see what pops up

          Thank you much


          • #6
            "I just find it strange that I can see no stains or anything indicating that anything is there. Any suggestions as to how one detects where the odour is coming from and also if you have any hints as to what I can put along the edges of the carpeting to keep the cat away (cayenne pepper?)"

            Is this spraying a new behavior for your Cat? If so it might be time for a trip to the vet for a check up. Also if he's always been "randy" It may be that they didn't get everything when he was fixed he may have had an undescended testes that the vet didn't catch. A trip to the Vet would still be in order

            Also if it is a new behavior, Has there been some some change in the house hold lately such as a new child or pet or roomate. Dogs and cats are alike in this. Perhaps you've even moved or removed a favored pearch. That could cause him to want to mark territory.

            And finally if this is new, are you sure its the Cat. If you have a rodent problem it could be comming from inside a wall or the attic. Rats for instance can smell just as bad.

            When potty training and protecting my furniture from teething puppies, I've had good luck with a product called "boundry" which is fairly long lasting and upolstry friendly. I don't recall if it works on Cats though. It is or was available at Petsmart and Petco. Outside, I used Cayenne when one dog deveoped a taste for rose bushes. It is cheapest to buy at a feed store as a lot of horseman use it to discourage cribbing.

            I hope this helps and let us know what happened.
            Last edited by NightBird; 09-21-2010, 09:12 AM.

