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Please Read!!! Upcoming Changes to the forum!


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  • Troy
    Originally posted by KSever
    Looks pretty dang good Tony and easy to use, Thanks for all your hard work!! Appreciate it!
    Thanks! I'm just getting started ;-)

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  • KSever
    Looks pretty dang good Tony and easy to use, Thanks for all your hard work!! Appreciate it!

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  • Troy
    We are on the new system now. Please email with any questions or problems, or post it here in this thread.

    By the way, this is only the first, yet the most difficult change. We will be laying out a new look, more new features, etc over the next few weeks.
    Last edited by admin; 01-21-2006, 06:10 PM.

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  • Troy
    Hopefully later today, the forum will change dramatically. You won't be able to log in with your old password. We'll need to have your current email address, and when the system denies your login, you can request that the password information be sent to you via email. Once you receive the email, just follow the instructions to get your password set up again.

    This is a small inconvenience that will drastically improve this forum. I am sorry for any inconvenience, but hope you like the changes over the next few weeks.

    Of course, as with any major upgrade or change, I am sure there will be other unforeseen problems. You all know that, because it is the same in home repair ! We are here to work with you through these problems, just keep in mind all you have to do is email or use the contact form on the new site to get in touch.

    Leave us feedback and let us know what you think!


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  • KSever
    Thanks Troy,
    Looking forward to see what's new!


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  • Troy
    started a topic Please Read!!! Upcoming Changes to the forum!

    Please Read!!! Upcoming Changes to the forum!

    We are in the process of upgrading the forums, and it is important that we have your current email address. Once the changes have been made, it may be necessary to email you your new password, and we wouldn't want this to get lost.

    Expect some exciting changes over the next few days as we finalize this process. The new software to run the forum is much more robust, and will facilitate much better communication. Let us know if you have any questions or problems!
