Originally posted by HayZee518
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You evidently have a lot of time on your hands and don't mind making 5,700+ posts on a forum 1/4 the size of a forum where signature links for regular contributors are permitted and encouraged.
Frankly I could see a lot of tradesmen who would be willing to post here and offer quality advice if they were rewarded with a signature link. That could only make the forum grow. Like I stated I could care less my site is highly successful and i have no site related directly towards the plumbing work I do. But I do see it as something that would be a boost to others.
I have been on many forums for years, and have stated up a few successful ones as well. I recently started and sold one in the last year that sold at a decent profit 3 months after the start up...
There the professional members have signature links and can even showcase their company in a thread listed by state.
The Chinese, Indian, and former Iron Curtain resident link spammers usually are banned before they get a post up while they are waiting for e-mail confirmation. We compare their information to the database at Stop Forum Spam and watch for signatures not related to the trade being put in on there user control panel.
I realize this may rock your world HayZee but I'm just throwing it out there on the table as something the Admin here may wish to consider to aid in growing the site. The amount of revenue that may be lost to a click on a members signature link would be insignificant if the traffic to this forum were to double because of quality replies to the posts and the trade relevant keywords the posters would be using in their posts. Search engines do pick up on those things and they do rank sites by it.
Certainly the number of people coming here to post their problem have a very low chance of connecting with a forum pro that services their area. Something about like a needle in a haystack. On a much larger forum I frequent there have been a handful of posters that contacted me about doing plumbing work for them but they all were far enough out of the area I service that I referred them to others.
I'm just saying the signature links are very unimportant and insignificant compared to the additional posters that it may bring in and throwing it on the table for the Admin to consider.
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