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had a breakthrough experience!
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had a breakthrough experience!
Several years ago, I had the pleasure of working in the hvac trade. Now I was as green as green gets and had my very first go around in the customers attic. It was one of the first customer relations that I had. I was breaking into the field via a friend of mine that was a journeyman. We needed to drag some duct to a new run in the attic to allow cooling to get into a little hobby room. The customer needed it done for a shindig she had going the next day. At the time she already had a group of her lady friends at her house drinking tea and snacking a little bit. The lady was very nice due to the conversation we had earlier. Well unfortunately when I was dragging the ductrun over, I stepped on one of the trusses and all I heard was a loud crack and the next thing I knew I was actually sitting in the ladys living room looking at her company! When the insulation had setteled aall I could do was look at everyone with the insulation in my hair and eyes and everything, The lady looked at me and says "Glad you could drop in"! I felt bad about the giant hole in her ceiling but had no clue the truss had a nice crack in it and when I stepped on it ,it was bye bye! Well we fixed everything up and it matched up real well,thank god it wasn't pop corn ceiling!
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