I have a Kenmore Front load Washer model# 417.47102700 with what I think is a timer or Motor Control Board issue. The washer sometimes operates normally other times it will fill and after 5-10 seconds will start to drain. Sometimes it will fill and drain again, sometimes it will agitate for a short time then drain again. Sometimes it will spin sometimes it will just stop after draining or agitating. When it is not operating normally the "timer dial" seems to be progressing through the cycle faster than normal this leads me to believe it is probably the timer that is the problem but I want to make sure before spring for a new timer unit. Any confirmation or info for a means to check the various possibilities more in depth would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Brian
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Kenmore Front load Washer 417.47102700 timer or Motor Control Board issue?
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I'm afraid i do not know what would cause your stated symptoms, sorry. A problem with the door latch mechanism or the motor control board could result in motor inactivity. (The pump has its own separate motor and would not be affected by either of those conditions.)
I don't know if it will help but there is a service manual available for Frigidaire's version of that washer design. You can get it at the following link:
LINK > Frigidaire Tumble Action Washer with AC drive Motor Service Manual
When it is not operating normally the "timer dial" seems to be progressing through the cycle faster than normal this leads me to believe it is probably the timer that is the problem
Dan O.
The Appliance Information Site
Thanks Dan. I will try to time a regular wash cycle and an abnormal cycle to verify if there is a difference or not and the specifics if there is. It just seemed to me that the abnormal cycle was several minutes shorter but I didn't test it methodically so that may not be the case. Also I'm not certain what the time for a regular wash cycle is to be sure that what appears to be a normal cycle is not running longer than it should.
While it might be possible for the timer to advance though a cycle quicker than normal, I'm just saying that the timer itself should not be responsible.
There should be a 'tech sheet' inside the machine with the wiring diagram which will often show the timer timing and also have some diagnostic procedures.
Dan O.
The Appliance Information Site
Haven't had a chance to dive deep, but it seems that for a normal wash if I set the timer on just the right spot (about 1 "notch" back from lined up with the "Normal" label) then it will progress through the cycle normally. Hmm...? Need to find time to dig into it a bit more. But at least I've gotten a couple loads through it until then.
Last edited by BGM; 02-11-2013, 04:21 AM.