Ice inside freezer door on a Frigidaire top freezer model purchased in '01. Water is leaking from ice-cube maker? Disonnect remove the ice-cube maker? Can this be done simply by removing the whole i-cube unit & disconneciting the water supply tube? If so does this jeoprodize anything else? Of course requiring return to the days of using plastic ice trays.
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Remove and disconnect ice cube maker from FRT22INLCH1
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Ice on the door????
Frigidaire top freezer model [FRT22INLCH1]
Ice inside freezer door
Water is leaking from ice-cube maker?
Disonnect remove the ice-cube maker? Can this be done simply by removing the whole i-cube unit & disconneciting the water supply tube?
If so does this jeoprodize anything else?
Dan O.
The Appliance Information Site
Ice in door of freezer Frigidaire FRT22INLHC1 thanks
Thanks so much. Your advice gives valuable input /perspectives. After defrosting freezer all day we will reconnect all systems. Hopefully we have jarred loose any blocks to tubes, hoses, mechanisms. Presently will leave ice cu maker in place.
Freezer door contained large amount of what appears to be ice but coulda' been frost. Have replaced freezer door rubber lining already. Sadly air leeks from somewhere, getting into door somehow, seems so odd though.
Embarrassingly this fridge runs 24/7 never shuts down so plenty of opportunity for other systems to freeze or clog.Can't find place where defrost timer AP2111929 is placed.
Bill B.
Freezer door contained large amount of what appears to be ice but coulda' been frost.
Can't find place where defrost timer is placed.
this fridge runs 24/7 never shuts down
Dan O.
The Appliance Information Site