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Clogged Garbage Disposal


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  • Clogged Garbage Disposal

    Last Night I put Potato peels down the disposal and now its clogged, only the disposal side is clogged. I put the allen wrench in the hole at the bottom of the disposal and it turns fine. Like I said the other said eof the sink drains fine.
    I tried plunging it and that dosent help, I blocked the good side while plunging and nothing.
    When I turn the disposal on it turns and moved the water and food around but never drains.
    Any suggestions?

  • #2

    I think you have a blockage in the piece of drain pipe (X) that runs horizontally under your sink.

    If you have a bucket and wrench you should be able to disconnect the pipe from the disposal unit(1) and possibly from the next joint (2). You need to remove the pipe and clear the peelings out of it. Pushing the peeling further down the pipe will probably cause them to block the p-trap and using a chemical drain opener will take awhile and is hard on the disposal.

    Good luck, Jim

    'Just a handyman trying to help'
    'Just a handyman trying to help'


    • #3
      Thanks for the help. I had a similar problem with yam skins and tried with drano... to no avail. Finally, I took the pipes apart and found probably 2 cups of barely chewed yam skins clogging my drain.

      Drano made a huge and caustic mess. Next time, I will go staight to the pipes.



      • #4

        Glad to hear that this info helped you.


        'Just a handyman trying to help'
        'Just a handyman trying to help'


        • #5

          The disposal side of my sink was also clogged. My husband said it was probably the shrimp that I had peeled. I denied it since I have always put the peels through the disposal. My husband checked the disposal and it worked fine. He told me to use draino. I did and once I ran the hot water down the drain to flush it out, my sink filled up with draino. It did nothing except for whitened my porcelain sink.

          Reluctant to call a plumber, I decided to search the internet. I did not want to call the plumber and have my husband prove me wrong. In addition, pay the extra money. I looked at your picture and was able to open the pipe. My pipe was clogged with shrimp peels! Not only will my husband runaround the house with joy of being right, he will be shocked that I was able to pull the pipes apart and unclog it.

          You are the best! Thanks again and you saved me from calling the plumber.


          • #6

            You made my day! Thanks for letting me know it helped.


            'Just a handyman trying to help'
            'Just a handyman trying to help'

