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A/C clicking noise


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  • A/C clicking noise

    Can someone tell me where is the blower wheel located in the A/C and how to get in there? I need to check if there is anything stuck in there that make the clicking noise whenever the A/C starts:mad up.
    Also, what will happen if my inside unit is 0.5 tons smaller than the outside unit?

  • #2
    remove the unit from the window and take off the back covering. the fan would be mounted towards the coil with its outlet going up top and forward through a foam duct. remove the fan and motor as a unit. second part: being smaller it would work twice as long to give you the same cooling as the bigger unit.


    • #3
      Originally posted by fannipoon

      Can someone tell me where is the blower wheel located in the A/C and how to get in there?
      That would depend on what type of air conditioner it is and how it was designed. Since you further asked about "0.5 tons" I would have to assume it is some type of central a/c or maybe even a mini-spilt type rather than a window/wall or portable unit?

      If a central type, the blower fan should be inside the furnace or air handler. How you access it I couldn't say since we have no idea of the product you're dealing with.

      what will happen if my inside unit is 0.5 tons smaller than the outside unit?
      I would think it would tend to frost up. The evaporator and condenser should be properly matched.


      Dan O.
      The Appliance Information Site



      • #4
        A/C clicking noise

        My A/C is an American Standard central unit. I had someone clean the coin 2 weeks ago. Ever since then, there is a clicking noise (just one click) comes up right after the A/C starts up. I've been told maybe something stuck in the blower wheel. Is that true??
        Also,I have this A/C since 2002. I just found out the outside unit is 4 tons and inside is 3.5 tons. My A/C never frost up in the past 5 years. Should I just keep the way it is?


        • #5
          Inspection needed

          Originally posted by fannipoon
          I had someone clean the coin 2 weeks ago. Ever since then, there is a clicking noise (just one click) comes up right after the A/C starts up.
          Why didn't you have them back to check on it? It still might not be too late, have you tried contacting them?

          I've been told maybe something stuck in the blower wheel. Is that true??
          The "blower" is inside the house. Is that where the sound is coming from??

          If the sound is coming from the outdoor condenser unit, there could be something in its fan (NOT typically referred to as the "blower") but IMO it would be unusual for it to make "just one click", instead make a continual clicking but that would depend on exactly what was responsible and how it was lodged in there.

          Someone would actually need to investigate to determine the cause of the sound.

          My A/C never frost up in the past 5 years. Should I just keep the way it is?
          I would suggest you leave well enough alone unless you've got enough money to replace either the evaporator coil or condenser and pay for the refrigeration work as well.


          Dan O.

          The Appliance Information Site



          • #6
            A/C clicking noise

            I didcontact them but they are so irresponsible. Instead of telling me why there is a click sound after the cleaning, they just keep saying my inside and outside units are not the same; I need to clean the coin regularly and so on and so fourth..
            Any suggestions?


            • #7
              A/C clicking noise

              The noise is came from the inside unit.


              • #8
                Originally posted by fannipoon

                Any suggestions?
                Other than getting into it and tracking the sound down, I'm afraid not. And no, I do not know how access is gained on your unit, sorry.

                Dan O.

