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Soldering a grill grating rung


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  • Soldering a grill grating rung

    Not sure if this post is in the right place... I have a custom size grill grating from which one of the rungs have come off. The adjustable gratings you can buy don't fit very well. So I thought I might solder a rung from another grating onto the old one. My question is about the best soldering filler (or whatever you call it). Is there one I should use that is 1) heat resistant for gas grill, and 2) non-toxic if I cook on it.


  • #2
    if it's steel then regular welding rod will do. if it's cast iron then a cast iron electrode will do. you can braze it with a brass rod ONLY if the temperature won't get near a cherry red color. soldering with low temperature alloys will NOT work.


    • #3
      Originally posted by HayZee518 View Post
      if it's steel then regular welding rod will do. if it's cast iron then a cast iron electrode will do. you can braze it with a brass rod ONLY if the temperature won't get near a cherry red color. soldering with low temperature alloys will NOT work.
      Thank you, do you know how I can tell if it's steel or iron?


      • #4
        cast iron looks grayish and almost powdery on a non machined surface. steel is almost shiny at a clean break.


        • #5
          Run a file over the grate, fresh steel will look like very "chromish" and cast will have much more of a aluminum look. and as Hayzee mentioned, you won't be soldering the grill, it will let go as soon as you have any real heat on it, remember heat travels fast in steel and Cast so no matter where the flame is you cannot solder.
          If you can weld it you can use 3/4" re bar as a replacement rung.
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