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Maytag dryer WON'T START LSG7800AAW(combo)


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  • Maytag dryer WON'T START LSG7800AAW(combo)

    My Maytag dryer WON'T START!!
    It's model LSG7800AAW (combo).
    The dryer started making a burnt rubber smell last week and I assumed it was
    the belt starting to go. Today the dryer ran for a few seconds then stopped. When I pushed the start button again it just made a buzzing noise for a second then stopped. I continued trying to push the start button a few more times with the same result until I heard a small "pop" followed by a strange "burnt laundry" smell. Then I unplugged it and turned the gas off. I know my vents and such are clean because I recently cleaned them. I am also somewhat familiar with the various internal parts of my dryer. I just don't know where to start or where to look. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • #2
    When I pushed the start button again it just made a buzzing noise for a second then stopped.
    The motor may be defective or something may be jamming it preventing it from turning. It has an internal overload protector which should cut power to it before it caught fire, etc.

    LINK > Maytag LSG7800AAW Dryer Motor

    I continued trying to push the start button a few more times with the same result until I heard a small "pop" followed by a strange "burnt laundry" smell.
    If the odor is coming from the dryer's motor, it is a pretty good sign it is the problem area.


    Dan O.
    The Appliance Information Site

    Last edited by Dan O.; 05-23-2009, 03:44 PM.

