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dishwasher not draining frigidaire portable


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  • dishwasher not draining frigidaire portable

    Hi thanks in adavance for any help you can offer.

    i have taken off the arm, filters and cover off the little round wheel that turna and throws the water up into the arm, it has the little ball that moves back and forth. I cleaned out everything the best i could.

    i turned the whole dw upside down and removed all hoses and started dw up, the motor turns, and the pump was working, i actually stuck my finger inside and felt it moving. i looked inside hoses and the main drain hose i ran a coat hanger in side of it and did not feel anything. I tried blowing through this main drain hose that connects to the faucet and it was very difficult but air and water did pass through, i could not get a good look at hose inside the dw housing just the small end at the pump and what comes out the back.

    i was not sure if there was anything clogged in this hose or if there is another part of the dw on this hose that might make it difficult to pass water or air through when it is not running.

    i put it all back together and it still did not drain more than a pot full of water, at least that was an improvement.

    this was an all of a sudden new problem, worked fine one day then not the next.

    any info you can help me with would be appreciated.

    thanks, Craig

  • #2
    I am having the exact same problem as you are ,as you can read in my earlier post.I've done what you have as well with cleaning etc. From what I can tell , the drain motor does energize when it is supposed to, yet the water doesn't always get sucked out.Let me know if you find anything out. Thanks


    • #3
      If you guy's would like to post a model number I can help,
      I just had a small size frigidaire dishwasher the other day that would not pump.
      The pump impeller (there are two impellers) was stripped out in the center. Is should have been squar in the center and it had gotten rounded out.

      This frigidaire washer was only about 12 weeks old.

      Let me know if I can be of any help,

