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KitchenAid Fridge Ice Maker Question/Problem


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  • KitchenAid Fridge Ice Maker Question/Problem

    Fridge: KitchenAid Model KSRS22QDAL00

    Ice Maker: Whirlpool 'Modular' Compact Crescent-Mold Icemaker

    Problem: I'm getting "hollow" ice cubes. They are freezing partially, on the bottom and sides. Sometimes, the tops will freeze, but the center will still be water, or hollow if the water leaks out. Frequently, when the fingers try to eject the cubes, they will push THROUGH the ice instead of pushing out the cubes. When this happens, the next fill cycle will cause the mold to overflow (because the cubes were never ejected) and it will make a big mess.

    Question #1: I've read in these forums that the likely cause of my problem is low water pressure due to a clogged filter and/or inlet valve on the fridge, or saddle valve on the water feed line. There is no saddle valve - the water line is fed through a secondary outlet on the shut off valve for the kitchen sink. I've adjusted the ice maker such that the fill time is approximately 8 seconds (give or take), and the ice trays all have water in them. (It's hard to tell if they're full or not - there's no easy way to check for fullness. My head is too big to fit in there to see...) Before I start taking things apart on my fridge, is there a filter on this model, or should I buy an inlet valve and just replace it, or is there something else I should look for? The water line appears normal - no kinks, etc. The water dispenser on the fridge seems to be working normally, with no noticeable drop in water pressure.

    Question #2: How, exactly, does low water pressure result in hollow ice cubes? This is just for my own curiosity, because I just can't wrap my brain around that concept. I understand that the ice maker has a thermostat that is being triggered when the ice is supposedly frozen, but obviously something is amiss in my understanding.

    I hope I covered all the bases, and hope you can help.

  • #2
    Ice cubes just not solid

    I'm getting "hollow" ice cubes. They are freezing partially, on the bottom and sides. Sometimes, the tops will freeze, but the center will still be water, or hollow if the water leaks out.
    "Hollow" cubes would be no water in the center, ever, not just if it leaked out. Your symptom is just the cubes are not freezing solid before a harvest starts.

    That could be caused by the freezer temperature too cold (it should be between +2 and -5° F no colder). If the icemaker's internal thermostat is being affected by too cold of temperature it could initiate a harvest before the cubes have had a chance to freeze totally.

    Either too much or too little air flow over the icemaker could also cause your symptoms. Make sure all air duct covers are in place and there are no packages in the freezer which could be misdirecting air flow around the icemaker.

    Lastly, there is a *slim* chance of the icemaker's internal thermostat has gone out of calibration with age but that is only a very slim possibility IMO.


    Dan O.
    The Appliance Information Site


