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KitchenAid refrigerator side is warn.


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  • KitchenAid refrigerator side is warn.

    My refrigerator is warn while the freeze side is cooling fine. I see an excessive frost across the whole evaporator. Looks like the frost heater works I see some water at the bottom that turned into ice. I also clean the bottom and check the air flows.

    My refrigerator is KitchenAid KSRX25FNWH01. How do I diagnostics to see what is the problem ?

    Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    Defrost system problem?

    I see an excessive frost across the whole evaporator.
    It sounds like you may have a defrost system problem.

    LINK > How does a frost free refrigerator's defrost system work?

    Looks like the frost heater works I see some water at the bottom that turned into ice.
    Maybe once upon a time it did but not necessarily now. I wouldn't rule it out until actually confirmed (see the link above).

    How do I diagnostics to see what is the problem ?
    Two of the three main components of the defrost system (defrost heater and defrost termination thermostat) can be checked with a simple continuity test. How to test the other, the ADC (adaptive defrost control) on your model, may be described in the unit's 'tech sheet' which should accompany its wiring diagram. That wiring diagram may be in a small pocket, pouch, envelope or rolled up behind the kickplate. On other models it may be folded up inside the control console.

    LINK > KitchenAid KSRX25FNWH01 Adaptive Defrost Control


    Dan O.
    The Appliance Information Site


