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Water filter leaks


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  • Water filter leaks

    Hi – My problem seems unusual. I have a 12 year old GE refrigerator-freezer that I bought new originally. Works fine. How long do they generally last these days?

    When I buy new, I need a better design for the water filter. Here is what I am trying to avoid:

    I have lost count of the number of times the exterior (cylinder style) drinking water filter has leaked when it reaches the end of its useful life – This causes a terrible mess.

    My wife insists on having drinking water available at the front of the fridg. Besides another wife, what are my available options? E.g. do newer fridg water filters not leak after a year or two. For example, I bought a supposed 5-year filter and it leaked water all over the wood floor and carpet at the 2-year point.

    It would at least be nice if the fridg had a drip pan that brought the water to the front so I could see the problem before the ceiling in my basement got wet.
    Last edited by Patriotic; 12-24-2010, 04:16 PM.

  • #2
    I could be wrong but I'm almost absolutely sure that the filters are not supposed to be used anywhere near that time frame. Mine (Kenmore) for example says change filters every 6 months. Now I don't always do it on the 6 month mark, it depends on just how much water I pull from the fridge door, obviously in summer we use it more and in winter less.
    Check your manufacturers recommendations for filter changes.
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      I had a water filter in my fridge line for about six months before it leaked. I just took it out and ran the line direct to the water source. Our water comes from three deep water wells and tastes terrific.


      • #4
        I have lost count of the number of times the exterior (cylinder style) drinking water filter has leaked when it reaches the end of its useful life
        You mean you installed an inline water filter in the water line to the refrigerator?

        An internal water filter should not cause leakage at any time, either plugged or not. An inline filter might result in leakage if it reduced water pressure to the refrigerator's water valve.

        I don't see how a filter that is just used up could restrict water flow to the fridge but I guess it might be possible. My thought is that the rest of the water supply might be more likely the cause.

        If you used a self-piercing 'saddle valve' on your house water pipe for the refrigerator supply or any type of saddle valve and mounted it on the underside of a water pipe, that valve would be suspect. Only a drill type saddle valve should be used (if not a regular plumbing tap) and it should only be mounted only on the top or side of a water pipe, not underneath it.


        Dan O.
        The Appliance Information Site


