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MARANTZ pro portable tape recordr PMD 101 problems, COUNTER AND REWIND


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  • MARANTZ pro portable tape recordr PMD 101 problems, COUNTER AND REWIND

    Hi. Just bought a Marantz PMD 101 portable mono tape recorder for the sound quality, I am a pro guitarist and need this for recording acoustic and electric ideas....

    I just received this item from ebay at UK £50 so i want it to work.

    The counter is very very noisy and clanky - it litters the recordings with clicks etc, simply the internal mic picking up the physical clicking of the counter in forward mode.

    Also, rewind stays on for a few seconds only.

    Both problems exist with or without a cassette in the machine and I am using he marantz adapter for power.

    i have no idea how to open this machine even , sooo many screws, but have made valve amps and pedals so I can be handy if i want to be.

    Is this worth fixing myself? Any pointers on fixing this please?

    All help gratefully received, many thanks in advance.

  • #2
    the fast forward and reverse relies on a current sensitive relay to shut off the drive [i.e. end of tape or end of tape in rewind] this operates in series with the drive motor. increase in current relay shuts off. look for binding in the gear train between the motor and the drive spindles. for the mic try using a remote mic.


    • #3
      Many thanks, your reply is much appreciated....

      recordings used with a mic definitely get around the problem and the machine records really well

      and your info is very helpful, I have to decide whether to keep the machine and go in and try and fix it or whether to return the unit untampered with...

      thanks again for your all goes in the old melon for future use as well..



      • #4
        the tape counter is mechanical in that the digits are intermeshing gears with a end of rotation pawl to advance to next increment [tens, hundreds, thousands etc. it uses a rubber belt off the play spindle. so if you don't mind searching and if its really bugging you just remove the belt.


        • #5
          Thanks, I was thinking along those lines...and wondering if a gear was simply out of place etc

          is a youtube video, would be good to have the counter working....

          but not necessarily if the audible rewind while in play mode worked OK, but it doesn't....

          this machine is to be used with collating i don't want to fiddle with other gear, I have other recording gear, but the setup time makes ideas harder to remember....

          but I think you are right, the way the counter digits are connected is what the rattling seems to be.....

          thanks again

          I cannot post the vid until I have posted five times so i will post a few times to add the url....


          • #6
            i just wish the rubber belt has fallen off the motor and creating too much resistance in rewind mode, and also making the counter do that, but that is probably ridiculous wishful thinking....


            • #7
              it's a drag because this machine looks very clean and I can tell it records very well, if it didn't have the issues raised....

              vid link on next post so i don't break the rules of the forum


              • #8
                YouTube - Faulty Marantz PMD-101

                I may return it and go for a superscope or something...but I guess those machines are getting old now....


                • #9
                  Update: unit has now been shipped back to the seller.

                  Thank you again.

