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support for Bar-Counter


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  • support for Bar-Counter

    I need some suggestions on how to improve support for my bar-counter. The reason for that is I'm planning on putting a 29gl fish tank on top of it.
    After filling it up with water and gravel it will be very heavy.
    My first idea was to screw 2 angle supports, but when I looked for studs, it just won't show anything solid.
    Pictures provided below.
    Thanks in advanced!
    Last edited by dialbat; 02-02-2008, 11:36 PM.

  • #2
    you may need to make a couple of steel gussets and use these instead of the angle supports you have pictured. the wieght of the water will be about 426 pounds without the gravel. 29 times 14.7 lbs per gallon.


    • #3
      Well, i would prefer to buy them than make
      But even than, attaching them to drywall would be an issue.
      My stud finder is a cheap one, would you say that maybe thats the reason why i can't find a good solid wood?
      I do understand that it can also be me


      • #4
        if you have a standard small horseshoe magnet you can find screws, nails, in the studs with it. just attach a short length of string on the magnet and hold it so the magnet swings freely. just move it along the wall and when it spots a screw or nail it'll sort of stick there. then just use a pencil and mark the location. well, you could cut a 45-45-90 triangle from some decent wood and use it as a support. might even add beauty to your shelf [ stained and poly - urethaned]


        • #5
          Thank you HayZee.
          Here is something i drew. Please let me know if i'm on the right path.


          • #6
            bar support

            take a look at this rough diagram. to keep with asthetics of the shelf I'd just cut 45-45-90 gussets and two pilot and clearance holes in the part that goes against the bar wall. I'd drill one hole up through the gusset and into the shelf. later on you can insert wood plugs or a wood compound into the clearance holes.


            • #7
              Thank you HayZee, thats much better then my previous idea.
              It should look good as well. I will work on it this week, and hopefully have pictures by the end of the weekend.
              Thank again.


              • #8
                Originally posted by HayZee518 View Post
                the weight of the water will be about 426 pounds without the gravel. 29 times 14.7 lbs per gallon.
                Well, thanks God for HomeDepot
                Free wood, free tools only purchased long screws.
                HayZee, i found a piece of flat 3/4 inch board with white finish. I sawed more of the 30x60x90 triangle. Found only one stud, and found it with a magnet (thanks again). I found out that there is 16in space between the studs, so only one fit under the counter. I recalculated the weight of the aquarium with water and i believe you made a mistake, it came to be 240lb. (1gl=8.3lb)
                I'm little over 200lb and it set on it and it seems solid.
                Pictures attached. I appreciate you help very much!!!
                If you think i missed anything, please let me know.



                • #9
                  Great! That looks good too! Now just fill in the counterbores and your in! - Haz

