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How to cut shelving around pipe


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  • How to cut shelving around pipe

    Hey guys,
    A friend of mine has a shelving unit built into a wall. He says that it is made of oak or a wood similar to oak. It is built with a water pipe going through the middle. He said that the problem is in the winter, the pipe expands and makes a horrible creaking sound when it is pressing against the shelving.

    Would the best way to remedy this be to cut out a bit more around the shelving? If so, what kind of handsaw (or other tool) should i use?


  • #2
    a jigsaw will fit the bill. just open up the opening a bit.


    • #3
      Squeaking pipe

      Lay a small amount of talcum powder between the pipe and wood. It may lubricate it enough to save a lot of work.


      • #4
        Drill a small hole and use a coping saw (undo he blade insert it in the hole and re attach the blade)
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