I am putting extra lights in a home office. It started life with one light and a wall switch. It was wired power in black-to-black of switch then white from power in to black of light and white of switch to white of light. I put 4 lights in series with the same config. Nothing. I tried black of power to white of switch then black of switch to black of light and white of power to white of light. Nothing. Then I hooked just one light straight to black and white and threw breaker, light works fine so I added the switch as was originally wired. Fine. I added another light continuing with the black from one light to black of the next light and then as originally with the switch, it worked but each light was dimmer. I added a third light, dimmer still. I rewired using the second config, black of power to white of next light and so on, the same thing as I add lights they get dimmer. See Diagram.
What am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong?
