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Curcuit Breaker Tester


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  • Curcuit Breaker Tester

    Is it possible to test your curcuit breakers? I have 200 year old house which has cicuit breakers and it seems to me that it would be important to periodically test the integrity of these breakers. Is this an important test?

  • #2
    There's really no way for a laymen to test a circuit breaker by applying a controlled load onto the circuit. GFCI breakers can be tested by pushing a test button that trips the breaker but the test equipment required for a normal breaker is not something you would want to buy. I'm sure a licensed electrician may have this type of equipment and could test them out for you for a fee.


    • #3
      Mark, May I suggest that you kill your main breaker. one by one pull out the smaller breakers and look at where they connect to the bus bar and also the clips on the back of the breaker. the bus bar should not have any signs of arcing or pits onit. as for the breaker make sure the clips have a snug fit to the bus bar (they dont pull away too easily)also look at the face of the clips for discoloration or pitting. If you have pitting I suggest you replace the breakers.

      Also it was suggested to me that every six months you should exercise all of the breakers in the panel. Does any one have any thoughts about this?

