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220 outlets


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  • 220 outlets

    Hello I have a studio in the back of my house that I need to run 2- 220 outlets to. Do both 220 outlets need to be run directly from my breaker box in the house or can I run 1 line off my breaker box and somehow split them at the studio for use with both outlets? Also someone tried to tell me I could run 110 line out to the studio and split that for the 220 outlets...though this sounds like a big fire hazzard to me I would really appreciate some help in the matter. Thanks Joe

  • #2
    Joe. It's all about amperage. What are the two 220 plugs going to be running?
    220 is not a one size fits all. A 220 AC unit requires 60 amps, while a 220 pool pump only needs 15. The power requirements of your 220 devices will determine the size of the service that you need to bring to the studio.

    And, noe. You cannot get 220 out of 110, just like you can't get a dollar out of 50 cents.

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    <i>Did you ever see OHM\'S mother in LAW?</i>...... <font color=\"red\">SHOCKING!</font id=\"red\">


    • #3
      Joe: Run as many 220v outlets as you need as long as they are adequate to your studio needs and are wired properly. You can get 110v service from a 220v feed (three wire), but the reverse, as irregular joe afirms, ain't gonna happen.


      • #4
        OK, Thanks for the replies it is much appreciated! I am going to be running a Kiln that requires 20 amps at 220 and an Air compressor wich requires 80 amps at 220.


        • #5
          Are you sure about those specs?
          I've installed quite a few kiln circuits and they are typically 50 amp.
          And the 80 amp air compresser sounds like an awful lot.

          Did you ever see OHM'S mother in LAW?...... SHOCKING!
          <i>Did you ever see OHM\'S mother in LAW?</i>...... <font color=\"red\">SHOCKING!</font id=\"red\">


          • #6
            Yup its a Glass Kiln so thats probably why it is lower amps, that's from the plate on top of it. And the compressor is a 7 1/2HP ingersoll rand compressor runnin 25 cfpm at 175 p.s.i. to feed and Oxygen generator. Its a heavy duty continuous use air compressor.


            • #7
              OK, I just got an e-mail back from the place I was buyin my compressor from and they said it draws 24amps, though I called ingersoll rand directly and they told me it pulled 80 amps? Heeelp! Here is the link for the compressor as well. Thanks again for the help. Joe

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              • #8
                Joe: based on the 7.5hp spec, 24.5a is right. The 80a spec sounds like you're running the elevators for a skyscraper.


                • #9
                  hehehehe, thats so funny, My dad was just tellin me the same thing about the amps just as I was readin the post. Ok, 24.5 amps sounds right all around. Now my next question...I have 1-30amp 220 cuircut in my board. Can I just run that to my studio and split it to run my kiln and compressor? Or will this overload the system?


                  • #10
                    What's the existing 30 amp circuit used for, anything else? It sounds like you will require 2 dedicated 30 amp circuits. Both your devices run at the same time would overload any single circuit.


                    • #11
                      I am using the 30 amp cuircut just to run my Kiln at the moment. (still waiting for delivery on my compressor) They will both be runnin at the same time though, so I am probably gonna need 2 seperate cuircut's for the compressor and the Kiln. Thanks to everyone on this website for all the help!! I just bought my home so I am sure to be comin here for help from time to time!!

