I am renting a townhouse while my new home is built. Detached out front 2-car garage (built in the mid 80's). I am DIY guy with many tools located in the cold midwest. My town house garage is detached and cold (below zero at night outside). I need a to use a good high output heater to warm it up so I can comfortably work in it and use products for refinishing etc that require 60F+ degrees. Biggest space heater I can buy and not blow the 15amp fuse (located in the house panel) is still way to wimpy to provide adequate heat. Since this is a rental I can not just rip out wires or modify panels. So I am looking for an external
small generator or amp booster device that runs off a 15 amp 120 volt AC circuit and offers up a 30 amp power source.... a 240 volt option would be great but will settle for a 120 volt 30amp option.
I need much more powerful electrical heater and the ability to operate it with multiple tools without blowing the kitchen lights everytime I plug more than one tool or device in at a time.

I need much more powerful electrical heater and the ability to operate it with multiple tools without blowing the kitchen lights everytime I plug more than one tool or device in at a time.