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  • Lights

    I have a light in my hallway that when turned on trips the breaker. Does anyone have any clues of where I should start. I think it may be because two commons are touching but I'm no electrician. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Did you do any recent work on this circuit, if you did it's possible it's not wire correctly. If not, then it sounds like you have a short to ground. Make sure the breaker is open, open the switch box and make sure that the wires on the switch are tight and not broke or loose. Make sure the wirenuts on any wires are tight. Also do the same in the light fixture. Look for any wire that is loose, broke, or touching either another wire or perhaps the side of a metal box.


    • #3
      Not being funny, but if when you flip the switch on it trips the breaker I'd start at the switch. Then move on to the light, checking anything you can between. If it was before the switch the breaker wouldnt reset. If it's 3-way switches does it happen regardless of switch positions as long as the light should be on, if it does its most likely after all switches prob in the light. But also like said if any recent work was done its wired wrong most likely.

