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On/Off switch replacement questions


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  • On/Off switch replacement questions

    Hello again,

    I'm currently replacing many of the outlet receptacles and light switches in a 25 year old home. All the circuits in the house are 20 amp and all the wiring I've encountered is #12. I received valuable help from members of this forum when I replaced the outlet receptacles, and now I have a question about replacing the light switches.

    Can 15 amp switches be used on the 20 amp circuits in this home? The original switches are all 15 amps, so my assumption is that this is OK code-wise, but I want to be sure before I replace all the switches. Do I need to replace the old 15 amp switches with new 20 amp switches to meet code?

    Thanks again.

  • #2
    It's fine to use 15 amp switchs on a 20 amp circuit, no problem. It's also fine to use 15 amp receptacles on a 20 amp circuit. Just make sure you don't connect any of the wires to the little holes in the backs of switchs or receptacles, these holes are notorious for loose connections. Always wrap the wire around the screws on the sides of the devices.


    • #3
      Thanks once again, kactuskid.

