Adding a stick built addition to an existing mobile and have a couple of questions on the "field correction notice" received regarding the rough electrical inspection.

1) Uncorrected
R109.1.5 (MI residential code?)
Make up wires in electrical boxes.

I can't get hold of the inspector (on vacation) and I don't see that term used anywhere. Any idea what it means?

2) Uncorrected
E3303.3 and NEC 550.32(D)
Branch circuits outside of trailer shall originate at trailer service panel.

550.32(D) doesn't state that and I'm not sure if they are saying that they have to be dedicated circuits (which would be news to me), but again, any ideas?

I appreciate any help. The wiring was completed by a family member (Local 58) and he's done residential before without a hitch. I'm really kind of thrown by the description of the "problems" and was curious if it's common language, or not.