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Razor only plug in bathroom


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  • Razor only plug in bathroom

    currently its the only plug in my bathroom which is a little inconvenient.
    what is required to change it to run normal 110 appliances?
    why is there a coil mounted to the back of the plug?
    what would need to be done upstream to convert it to 110 out?
    could i use the existing wires behind the plug, convert the face to a dual outlet? 1 razor only and 1 normal 110?

  • #2
    need more information - I have no idea what coil you're talking about.


    • #3
      i would call it a step down transformer but thats probably not what its called.
      its basically a coil winding limiting plug output voltage. to me (a marine mechanic) it looks like a vintage outboard ignition coil.
      a bit of research ive been doing on the side tells me its a safety device necessary with a plug so close to a sink in a bathroom. furthermore the powers that be make the box and faceplate an odd size to help prevent it being changed to a regular plug. now im handy with a dremel so altering the face plate isnt going to be a problem, just adjusting the wires leaving out the coil device is.


      • #4
        Seems to me that it would be much easier just abandoning this old plug and running a new cable to a new outlet box with a GFCI.
        Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
        Every day is a learning day.


        • #5
          Could you take a picture and post it here for a look at this contraption you have. I'm sure that there are 120 volt wires feeding the coil and a multimeter would be helpful in determining which exact wires those are. But I would love to see a picture, it would help a ton in figuring out what you'd need to do to install a regular GFCI in this location.

          Oh, and if you feel like paying $5.00, the link below says they have the instructions for converting your razor-only receptacle to a GFCI type.


          • #6
            yeah that link is exactly my problem.
            ill post a pic tomorrow with multimeter readings.

