bobgail@localnet.comMy daughter was trimming the hedges with the electric trimmer. The power cord was connected to an outside electric box was cut by the trimmer. The power was interupted as though a circuit breaker or gfi was activated. The circuit breaker did not trip and there was power across it when tested. The outside electric boxes along with the inside garage boxes were disabled. I looked for a box with a gfi, but found none. I opened each circuit box to see of there was a junction that had opened, there were no junctions or burnt wires. Any suggestion would be acted upon immediately.
First, check to see if any of the breakers feel soft, IE. no resistance when turning it off. If you find this, then flip it off and reset it.
If this condition does not exist, remove the dead front panel from your service, and with a VOM, VOLT/OHM METER, on an AC voltage scale higher than 100V, place one lead on the neutral buss bar, where all of the white conductors are connected, then momentarily touch the screw on each breaker where the colored conductors are connected.
You are looking for a meter deflection to an approx. 120V reading.
If you find one with no voltage reading, attempt to reset it, if it will not reset, then replace it.