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wiring for dishwasher and garbage disposal


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  • wiring for dishwasher and garbage disposal

    Hi there:

    My wife and I just bought a new dishwasher and I was just looking at the wiring of the existing one. We currently have a dishwasher as well as a garbage disposal installed. The garbage disposal is turned on and off by using a switch that is located on the wall. Under the sink we have an electrical box (see image) where the garbage disposal seems to draw its power from.

    The wires that go into the right hand side of the electrical box (the ones inside the tubing) go through a hole of the cabinets toward the dishwasher. So far I haven't pulled out the dishwasher and haven't looked behind it, but I am confused with regards to the wiring. I don't know a lot about electrical stuff but am wondering where exactly that "tube" goes. somehow I guess it has to get electricity from the existing circuit but where does the dishwasher plug in? I am not sure if that makes sense but I am basically trying to figure out how to wire the new dishwasher.

    Thank you so much in advance!


  • #2
    The single gang box is used as a "J" box and this could be for several reasons.
    Most likely, the length of the wires.
    The metallic flex could originate from another "J" box behind the DW, or from the switch box on the wall.
    When you remove the toe panel to access the plumbing and elec. connections for the DW, remember to identify, label and secure in the off position, the breaker supplying power to this appliance, prior to dis-assembly.
    Illegitimas non-carborundum


    • #3
      from the looks of things, it seems the original installer didn't have the length to make up the disposal connections, or, had a length of flex (greenfield) that wasn't long enough. so he used a 2x4 box for a junction box to make the transition from the greenfield to romex. the greenfield has in it a white conductor and a yellow TW conductor. the whites are spliced together and the black from the disposal is connected to the yellow. my guess is that this greenfield flex goes to another box behind the dishwasher cabinet, is fed from an in-wall space coming from a switchbox (for the disposal) and may contain yet another "hot" for the dishwasher.

