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installing a lamp post


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  • installing a lamp post

    I'm trying to install a lamp post at the end of my driveway. It's approximately 150 feet from the house. What gage wire should I use?
    Should I use conduit when installing? Would I be better off having a gas lamp installed? [?]
    any helpful hints? I've gone to lowes and home depot and they recommmend that i contact dte energy but dte won't be accepting phone calls unless there is an emergency for the next week or so. due to all the power lines and high wind damage here in detroit.
    can someone please help me?

  • #2
    My guess for DTE response "Hire and Electrician"...

    This is an A/C light correct? To answer your gage question, std. 14/2 should be fine. You will want to make sure it is the correct type of cable for underground service. Use type UF cable. It can be directly buried, minimum is 24". If you install the wire in a conduit pipe, the minimum depth is 18". You will also need to hook it up through a GFCI protector that is rated less than the conductor wire maximum.


