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Relocating wires


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  • Relocating wires

    I am planning on decking out my attic floor but I have numerous wires that are run over the existing 2x6 ceiling joists. I will be adding new 2x10 joists before decking. Is it acceptable by code to simply install junction boxes and run the wires through small holes drilled in the center of the new joists?

  • #2
    whooo boy! code and your local authority will tell you that any junction box may NOT be hidden behind ANY wall or floor. It needs to be accessible. If you have say eight boxes, you'll need eight blank plates making the boxes accessible, in plain view.


    • #3
      I have heard that hiding a j-box is illegal. Does anyone have any idea why? Is it a safety thing? or does it just make pulling/replacing wire difficult? I know that there is a least one hidden j-box somewhere in one of my walls, I've put off locating it myself because it seems like a lot of work.


      • #4
        simply stated why --- is safety. if you had to troubleshoot a circuit you wouldn't be able to because there's no telling of where the wiring is.

