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Two Breaker Panels


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  • Two Breaker Panels


    I am working on a double wide home we just recently had setup. Currently it has a 100amp G.E. (General Electric) Panel. There is no room to add anymore breakers. I want to switch the gas furnace (coleman presidential 2 77,000btu) to an electric furnace, gas hot water tank to electric and gas stove to electric. SO what I am really wanting is to make this Double wide total electric (outlets, lights, stove, water heater, ac, furnace, dryer, computers, and ect.)

    I purchased another 100amp G.E. Main Box (20 1" spaces) with copper bus bar thinking I could just piggy back off the existing panel to give me a total of 200amps. The box at the pole will be 200amp. I would be using the new box pretty much just for the items I want to convert from gas to electric.

    I did this rather than get a main lug sup panel because with using a 100amp sub panel tying to a 100am breaker in main box I still only get 100amps if I can pig tail off main than I can have a combined 200amps.

    Do I have this all screwed up. I have already purchased the G.E. 100 amp main, so no matter what I need to make this work with my existing panel, I just need some guidance.
    Last edited by mdmaynard; 02-05-2007, 05:37 PM.

  • #2
    the downlead for a 200 amp service is 4/0-3 seu aluminum. there is no way in heck a 4/0 wire is going to fit a 100 amp breaker. a way you can get around this is to install a trough at the bottom or top of the two service entrance panels with its own 100 amp breaker. the #2 feeders to the panels are then spliced to the 4/0 cables. because the main cable is aluminum an oxidant MUST be used and split bolt connectors al and cu rated and torqued to manufacturer specs. You then tape up the splices.


    • #3
      Service entrance

      Try this diagram see if this will work for you.


      • #4
        Thanks HayZee518!

        I have read many posts and your replys and respect your opinion. After I posted I actually recieved the wire that will be running from the pole to the Double Wide and knew then that it was to big to do as I was thinking.

        A huge huge huge thanks for the diagram, makes more sense to me now.

        Just to double check, once I use a trough I can run 100am (in theory) to each panel? Is this correct?

        Also just for clearification: On some other posts I see that when someone installs a 'sub-panel' the ground is isolated and not bonded. In my situation would I need to treat either panel as a sub or would they both be considered 'main'?


        • #5
          IF the original panel was feeding the second panel it would be called a sub panel, BUT because it will be coming off the mains it is a service panel and neutral bonding will be necessary, not isolated as in a sub-panel. The disconnecting means for the main cannot be more than 6 motions of the hand -- meaning not more than 6 disconnects. You are using only two motions so you are within the code.


          • #6
            Agains thanks for your feedback.

            I apologize for using the incorrect term ". . .ground is isolated and not bonded", this should have Neutural should replace ground. in that sentence.

            I will let you know how it all works out in the end.


            • #7
              you can contact me direct if you have yahoo im. handle there is buffalo12980

