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dead wall sockets - slowing spreading


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  • dead wall sockets - slowing spreading

    Hello all.

    After hurricane Wilma blew off our roof and the house got massively soaked, we have been noticing that several wall outlets have been slowly dying.

    Example, the downstairs 1/2 bath went first, then our son's bathroom (over head up stairs) died although the ceiling lights work just fine. Then about a month ago, one of the outlets in the downstairs bedroom died and then our outlet in the master bath (right over head) died, but again, the ceiling lights work.

    It seems to me that they are obviously tied together some how. Does anyone feel that it is a simple change of the outlet boxes, or will I have to rip the walls apart and do re-wiring (yech!).

  • #2
    Any drastic weather pattern as in a hurricane or tornado would require a complete overhaul to the wiring. Trying to rely on splices that may or may not work, or over time may corrode to the point of high resistance may lead to a fire. I'd want to be safe than sorry - please rewire your house!

