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New Electrical Service


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  • New Electrical Service

    Hey Gang,

    I just ran across this awesome site today and I had an electrical question. I bought an older home last year in April, built in 1956. I paid about $2,200 around November of last year to have my electric service upgraded. I had a 200 amp Siemens box put in. I've been adding some outlets, all being dedicated lines, (one for our new LCD TV in the bedroom) and another in the kitchen for the overhead microwave I just bought. I found it interesting that the neutral and grounds were all installed on the same rods (are these called bus bars?) I basically followed the same paths while in the box when I added my new lines and breakers. Is this correct? Thank you for your time. I failed to mention that I tested the outlets before using them and everything shows that it's wired correctly. I just pictured one bar for neutral and another for ground.
    Last edited by autocad_junkie; 03-26-2007, 12:57 PM.

  • #2
    In a standard service panel the neutral bus is bonded to the enclosure by a screw, or jumper and a screw. When this panel or any other is connected to the service panel it is called a sub-panel and the neutral bus is islolated "above" ground and an auxillary grounding bus is installed in intimate contact with the enclosure. All circuits derived from this panel (service entrance) have their bare grounds and neutrals (white) terminated at the neutral bus.


    • #3
      Dear fellow forum member -- check back if you have any concerns about your questions. All we have here are professionals within their own fields and will do their darndest to get you past your problems. Many attribute their expertise to personal experiences and the redundancy of recurring problems "with a twist"


      • #4
        Great! Thank you. I'm no professional, but ever since I bought my first house, I can't get enough of small electrical and plumbing projects.

