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home security system


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  • home security system

    Don't know if I am in the right place but I have a question concerning home security.

    I want to address this in my home but don't know anything about it. Got any tips or ideas of what to look out for. I know I'm kinda vague on this but I can elaborate if necessary.

    Thank you

    Curious homeowner

  • #2
    A home security system can be active or passive - that is using active components i.e. window and door switches or passive as in infrared or motion sensors. Passive components can be hidden or at the most placed in inconspicuous areas to detect motion or body heat and trigger an alarm or dial up law enforcement. If you have pets then the active component route may be needed because of roaming in the house. There are window break devices that may be used without compromising the use of a window. The old style window foil is pretty much obsolete giving way to vibration sensors. Check out ADT's web site. I'm sure they'll point you in the right direction.


    • #3
      Thank you

      Curious homeowner


      • #4
        Like the previous poster said, check out ADT. We just got a wireless system setup in our home and it is amazing. Found a special online for free equipment and only paid a few hundred for the installation. Check out some resellers rather than going to ADT directly as they tend to be more flexible with deals and promos. Here is what I used:
        ADT Home Security


        • #5
          security camera system - tips

          I am not a security system expert but I do have some experience to share. I bought 3 nightwatch wireless cameras with eagle eye motion detectors and a vcr commander that turns your VCR on to "record" whenever anyone walks by the motion detectors. I bought them because I'd become involved with a neighbor man who began to terrorize me and vandalize my property when things went bad. The whole system cost about $200.00. BUT you get what you pay for. The picture was very grainy at night and I many things seemed to interupt the wireless signal. The neighbor came on to my property in spite of a restraining order and found out what cameras I had. He purchased the same receiver/transmitter that came with my system. As a result, he was able to record everything said and done at my home and he tried to use it against me.

          My Point? If you decide to go with just a few security cameras I recommend wired and not wireless and I recommend you invest in a high quality system. Make sure your cameras have a good wide span of vision and not locked into just a small box of vision. Camera's that can "pan" to follow an object are nice too. I think for the money, you are better off to go to a company like the previous advisors wrote especially if they absorb the cost of the equipment. It also depends on how much protection you need and want. I just couldn't afford anything worthwhile but my cheap cam's did the trick for me... Good luck!


          • #6
            the site that advertises X10 security systems is not as elaborate as ADT but it does have affordable cameras and devices. Ihave an X10 camera at my house and it has been working the past six years. the picture is color and is wireless.

