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Install ceiling fan in concrete ceiling


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  • Install ceiling fan in concrete ceiling

    We have a condo with a concrete ceiling and want to install a ceiling fan in the den. Is this possible? We're prepared to hire a professional to do it, but we aren't sure it can be done, and if it can, we'd like to have an idea what it would entail before contacting anyone. Would also appreciate a referral for a good electrician in our area (Bellevue, WA 98004). Thanks for any insight you can provide.

  • #2
    There are two venues to follow. The most obvious is - is this a cellular ceiling, meaning was the ceiling cast with voids running longitudinal along its length? If so the "cells" would be open at the ends and resting on concrete block. Wires could be fished in the cell nearest to the room center and then inside the concrete block voids to a switch location with a masonary box. The second option is to use wiremold and a surface mounted raceway. It don't look as good as a hidden wire chase but I don't think you have another option other than dropping a ceiling the thickness of a 2X4 installing sheetrock and fastening a 50 lb box to support your fan.


    • #3
      Hello HayZee518, thanks for your reply. I don't know the current type of ceiling construction so I guess that's what I need to find out first. There is an existing light fixture in the same room, about 16" from where the fan would be installed, so maybe we could tie into that electrical source? Would that make a difference? The fixture is off-center from the room so that's why we need to place the fan in a little different location. We'll remove the existing fixture and repair the resulting hole. If it ends up that it can only be done by running wires on the ceiling surface, then I won't proceed with the project because I wouldn't like the way that looked. Thanks again for your help. Appreciate it!


      • #4
        According to code wires can be fished in "cellular floor raceways." What the floor above and ceiling below is - is a precast piece of concrete with embedded rebar or screen. "cells" are purposely made in the slab to lessen the weight of the slab. a lot of motels - holiday inn for example is constructed of cellular floors. usually the cells run the longways on a floor/ceiling slab. you could feasibly extend the 16 inches in the slab one way or the other using a masonary grinding disk to a sufficient depth and the width of a piece of EMT for mechanical protection then concrete over. the box used to support the fan must be rated at 50 lbs. to get the fan to sit flush on the ceiling the concrete must be chiselled out to clear the box. it seems easy here on paper but its a job!


        • #5
          Yea, that does sound like some work's involved. Any rough idea as to what it might cost to have done? I'm having a hard time finding people to do electrical work around here. They all want big jobs, and we only have a few smaller things we need done. Thanks again for your responses to my questions.


          • #6
            if there is a trade school near you ask them. I'm sure the kids will get a kick out of it. besides they need the experience. talk to the teacher He'll supervise the install.


            • #7
              I think we've decided to scratch this project and forget about trying to mount a ceiling fan. I asked the building super about it and he said he doesn't know anyone who's done it successfully, and in fact, a few have caused big problems for themselves. Oh well - a free standing fan will just have to do. Once again- appreciate your responses. They were very helpful.

