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Instaling a dryer


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  • Instaling a dryer

    In the next couple of days I am planing to install a dryer but I have a problem with the electrical part. I hear that it needs like 240 volts and i dont know how would i wire this up. I live in an older house with screw in fuses. I plan on installing the receptical just below the fuse box. I know a little about electrical(basic maintanence and wiring my a/c) and i would like to do this my self if possible. My question is should I do this my self and how exactly would I wire this up.

  • #2
    If you lived in Phoenix, I would say call me to do it.
    You are dealing with old wiring ie: a fuse box. I've never seen a fuse box that wasn't maxed out as far as the available taps.
    You have to find a way to tap into the 240 somewhere at the entrance. Sometimes you can do this a a main fuse before the power grts to the branch circuits. From there, you need to tap into the two hot legs of the 240 and the neutral fron the neutral bar. You need #10 stranded wire, one to each leg of the 240 and one to the neutral bar. (the latter should be white. the formers black). and a #12 green wire. If you weren't able to "fuse" the new wires at the old box, which would be unlikeky, you have to run the new wires to a new subpanel. This should be a 30 amp 2 space circuit breaker box with a 30 anp breakers. Then you install a 2 pole 30 anp 240 breaker and a neutral and ground and send it to the 30 amp drywe plug.
    My advice though is to hire an electrician. If you are not familiar wth high voltage circuits and installing a sub panel, it could be dangerous.

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    <i>Did you ever see OHM\'S mother in LAW?</i>...... <font color=\"red\">SHOCKING!</font id=\"red\">


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply sorry for the wait. Your reply was very helpfull. It helped me realize that I should hire someone because I dont really know what Im doing. Do you have any idea how much this would cost.

