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Totally stumped!
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Totally stumped!
I have a ground fault circuit for "bathroom and outdoor receptacles". All receptacles work fine EXCEPT 2 of three outdoor ones (deck) that do not work at all. How on earth can that be?? I've replaced the corroded outlets but no go. I tested the bare black wires .... completely cold. I'm stumped!
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No, all receptacles on the circuit are non-gfi type outlets. The circuit has a gfi breaker switch in the breaker box. I don't know which outlets are downstream from the bathroom . . . is there a way I can tell which outlets are downstream from other outlets?
ok, I don't know which outlet is the first one in the series. could be an outside one OR the bathroom one. shut the breaker off and remove the bathroom receptacle. hopefully the electrician wired it so that the feed goes to the top screws and the downstream receptacles come off the bottom two screws, but it can be either pair. you may even have another pair with those that feeds a light or fan in the bathroom. for the sake of argument let's say that there is only one pair coming off the bottom set of screws. now go outside and remove all outlets from their boxes. the last one should have only one pair connected to it. the middle one two pairs and the first one two pairs. hopefully one of these pairs goes back to the bathroom. if you have a volt ohm milliameter, you can verify where the wires go with the vom set on resistance RX1. use the bare ground as a reference. make sure the breaker is off.
You said all work except two of three outdoor receptacles. What you should do first since you already checked for power on the dead receptacles, is open up and check the working receptacle to see if that is wired in series with the non working ones, by using continuity. If it is, then fix the loose connections or defective receptalce, or other. But if it is not wired in series or other, then as haz indicated, start hunting.