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GFCI outlet Replacement


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  • GFCI outlet Replacement

    I have a GFCI outlet in my garage, but I would really like to replace it with a standard outlet so that I can safely put a freezer in my garage. Is that a safe thing to do or should I keep the GFCI?

  • #2
    According to the NEC 2005 code book, 210.8 (a)(2) garages are required to have gfi installed. But there is a exception to the rule. According to exception number 1 covers recepticles that are not readily assessible which would be the recepticle that your garage door opener is pluged into. And exception number 2 says a single receptacle or duplex receptacle serving 2 appliances that is in a dedicated space and arent easily moved. Which keeps people from plugging anything into it like an extension cord and running it outside in the rain and using there hedge trimmer which has a bad cord because they cut thru it the week before and electrocute themselfs


    • #3
      Garage outlets are supposed to be protected by a GFCI (code).
      If you want to have your freezer in the garage and not risk it tripping the GFCI then it would be wise to add another outlet from the GFCI feed that way the GFCI is still protecting you and anything plugged into it and the freezer will be on separate line (fed from the GCFI line but before the GFCI)
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