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Reloacte a main panel... possible?


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  • Reloacte a main panel... possible?

    I have an old home built in the 1960's. The main panel is not only insufficient in capacity but also in a bad location. The refrigerator has since been relocated in front of the breaker box which is both a nuisance when breakers pop (which I find unacceptable) and also against code.

    I was considering placing a new main panel directly inside the wall from the commercial service drop while taking the opportunity to upgrade to 200A service. Of course, this lengthens the distance for most of the electrical drops in the house. What is the appropriate way to move the main panel without running all new drops in the house? Is the only way to solve this to put in the new main and have the original panel act as a sub-panel? But that still leaves the sub-panel behind the refrigerator. Is that acceptable or is there a proper way to extend the existing drops to the new main?

    If possible, this would allow me to rewire the heavily loaded kitchen and bath while continuing to use existing drops for receptacles and lighting that currently work fine.


  • #2
    To begin, your power company will determine where the new metering will go, if it is "other" than where presently located. A main disconnect shall be located within ten feet of where the service entrance conductors enter the building. This being true, your service entrance comprises of the service lateral [overhead service][underground service entrance] to the top [or bottom] of the meter socket. Anything from the meter socket belongs to you. You can run an SEU cable anywhere, but once you penetrate the house siding, the main breaker panel MUST be within ten feet of that penetration. Appropriate grounds must be installed with two driven ground rods and bonded to the main panel. For this, I'd check your power company's requirements.

