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New Kitchen Circuits / Existing House Circuits


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  • New Kitchen Circuits / Existing House Circuits

    I am updating my Kitchen and Adding all new circuits per NEC, my question is : Since I am updating the Kitch am I required to Ground All my OTHER existing 2wire non grounded outlets and replace with 3wire Grounded Outlets
    Thanks for your time

  • #2
    if the two wire receptacles are working ok, then no. however to replace a two wire receptacle you must use a gfci. even because there is no ground in the two wire box, the gfci measures the imbalance between the hot and neutral. new wiring, then yes use a three wire receptacle.


    • #3
      Thanks, but I was curious if I was in need of grounding the existing 2 wire oulets in the rest of the house, I plan on changing them to a differant color and was not sure if I changed them was I in need of grounding them and using a 3 wire outlet
      Thanks Again


      • #4
        I very seriously think you are not going to find anymore two wire receptacles anywhere. then you'll be forced to use gfci receptacles to replace any two wire ones you remove.


        • #5
          I had a house not too long ago that was predominantly two wire outlets. You lose the Grandfather clause when you remodel (like your kitchen) but your still grandfathered on anything your not remodeling, changing out an outlet wasn't considered remodeling by our inspectors (three turned up at the same time, was a slow inspection We wanted to change out the two prong outlets for three prong, what we did do however was to find the start of the circuits and install a GFCI and put the little GFCI protected outlet stickers on all outlets down the line. You can still buy new two prong outlets if you don't want three.
          Your not grounding the system but you are protecting from electric shock.
          We did ground some outlets in the living room (for TV etc...) and we ran ground wire back to the incoming water supply line.
          Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
          Every day is a learning day.


          • #6
            Thanks Pushkins
            I Your info was great and I appericate the time

