The person who wired my house must of been epicly dumb about it, house is 30 years old~~.
upstairs most of the outlets work. but downstairs only half of them work. im not sure if it was from a surge but, the breaker box is so old and wires all over lol. okay well is it possible for main hard wire from breaker to outlet surged and needs repair or could it be outlet? or breaker. ill give more info if needed i just dont know exatly were to start.
upstairs most of the outlets work. but downstairs only half of them work. im not sure if it was from a surge but, the breaker box is so old and wires all over lol. okay well is it possible for main hard wire from breaker to outlet surged and needs repair or could it be outlet? or breaker. ill give more info if needed i just dont know exatly were to start.