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Honda em3500 s voltz issue


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  • Honda em3500 s voltz issue

    i purchased a honda em3500 s generator from a person, because it was not producing output from the outlets. so i flashed the generator with a drill. i now get output. now the volt meter reads 100 to 120 voltz continuesly with nothing pluged into the outlet and the switch is set to 110 outlets only. also i can move the switch over to 110/220 outlets the engine runs faster and blows the 50amp fuse in about 10 to 20 seconds.

    my assumption is that the generator is reconizing there is a load when there is not. what can i do to fix.

  • #2
    Bring it to a repair shop.
    Unless you have the proper diagnostic tools and knowledge there is not much you are going to do with this except throw parts at it, which ultimately may not even work.

    Just my opinion.

